Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (2025)

This will be the playthrough where you will get the majority of the achievements for Doom 3. You will be taking your time to explore the game from start to finish, grab all of the PDA's, Lockers, and Video Disks that are in the game and you will also pick-up a handful of misc achievements that are available during your quest. There is also an achievement for beating the game in under 10 hours. If you follow the walkthrough and make sure you pause whenever you are reading you should be able to get through in 10 hours. If you don't get it here, you'll most likely get it on the second playthrough.

I will provide you written information and locations towards the collectibles. However, if you are looking for a video guide that shows you the location of all of the collectibles, here is one below. Credit goes to WhiteshirtGames.

You will also notice spoiler tags throughout the walkthrough. The ones below each room of the levels are combat tips that are specially tailored to Nightmare difficulty which will be your second playthrough. The spoiler tags will also point out what areas can be skipped by running through and also which rooms to avoid that were only necessary for collectibles. The spoiler tags at the beginning of each level are there to help you track collectibles. As you start each level you can compare your list in-game (or your checklist if you are tracking that way) to make sure you did not miss any.

Table of Contents (Page 1)

  • Level 1: Union Mars City
  • Level 2: Mars City Underground
  • Level 3: Union Mars City (Revisit)
  • Level 4: Union UAC Administration
  • Level 5: Union Alpha Labs Sector 1
  • Level 6: Union Alpha Labs Sector 2
  • Level 7: Union Alpha Labs Sector 3
  • Level 8: Union Alpha Labs Sector 4

Playthrough 1: Recruit and Collectibles

Level 1: Union Mars City

Mars City Hangar

After the initial cutscene, go forward and take the set of the stairs in front of you. Follow the path and go through the only door in this area.

Security Checkpoint

Here, stand on one of the two squares with red footprints to let the marine run a bioscan on you. When he gives you the okay, go through the next door and walk forward through another door in front of you. Wait for the short cutscene to play. The end of the cutscene will also give you your first PDA (Personal) (1/64) and Video Disc (Marine Command Briefing) (1/15).

Mars City Reception

When you gain control of your character again, look to the right. You will see a staircase, and to the left of that staircase is a desk with a blue disc in a jewel case. This is a Video Disc (Welcome to Mars Research Facility One) (2/15). Now go up the stairs and follow the hallway until you trigger another cutscene. Continue along the hallway. You will pass a bathroom on your right, and then before the next door will be a kitchen and dining area on the right. If you are on playthrough 2 or 3 go through the door instead and skip to the next section. Go in here. On the kitchen counter is a PDA (Adam Berneche) (2/64). Look up to the right and watch the news report until the screen hangs on "IPN News Network". It is unknown if this counts towards the collectible achievements, but to be safe, make sure to watch it. We will count this as a Video Disc (IPN News Network).

Now, turn around, and in the back right of the room will be an arcade cabinet: Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3. You can go over to it and interact with the screen with Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (1) or Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (2). The way it works is that a Turkey will appear on the screen and you just need to rapidly tap the Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (3) button to make the "original" Doom character punch and kill it. Every punch will give you points, but the faster the Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (4) button is pressed, the more points you get in a sequence. You will need a score of 25,000 Points on one of these arcade machines alone to get this achievement. It will take around 10 - 25 minutes to get done. If you have a turbo controller or a CronusMAX/Titan then feel free to set that up and go grab a coffee or something while you wait for the achievement to pop.

Cronus and Titan users see the spoiler below.

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Killing time

Score 25000 on Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 in DOOM 3 or RoE

Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (5)

2 guidesGuide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (6)Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (7)Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (8)

You can alternatively skip this achievement and attempt to get it during the Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil game-play, but it is recommended to go for it here since no enemies will be around in this part of the game.

You may now leave the dining area and go through the door immediately on your right.

Marine Command Access

Go forward and walk up the small set of stairs, take a right, and go through the door up here. Follow the hallway until you reach a marine that will point to the right. Follow his directions and take a right.

Marine Headquarters

You will see the stairs on your right, a pathway straight down, and a door on your left.

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Go through the door and then you will see the Video Disc (Series 3 Plasma Gun Briefing) (3/15) on the counter in front of you. Turn around and go through the door you just came from, go straight up the steps and through the door labeled "Marine HQ". Follow the hallway here to trigger a cutscene.

When the cutscene is over turn around and follow the sentry bot to the next destination.

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When the sentry bot goes back to sleep, go down the steps, and make a right to find Storage Locker 001 (Code 396). To put in the code, simply look at the digital interface on the locker and use the cursor to highlight each number and press Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (9) to press the number. Now turn around and on the right is an elevator. Interact with the panel to call the elevator. Enter the elevator then interact with the panel inside to end the level.

Level 2: Mars City Underground

Current Collectible List:

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Underground Security Checkpoint

Exit the elevator and you will see a security guard behind some glass. Wait for his dialogue to end and to your right, one of the glass panels will open, giving you some armor, ammo, and the Pistol. Turn around and climb the stairs on the other side of the room. Interact with the panel and it will tell you that you do not have access. Wait for the security guard to open up the door for you.

Underground Junction

Go through the door, hang a right, and follow the path until you reach an engineer (a guy in an orange jumpsuit). Shoot him and kill him. You will need to stand a little away from him or else you will just get the prompt to talk to him. There are no consequences for killing him, so do not worry. Walk over his dead body and you will pick up a PDA (Daniel Young) (3/64). Continue to follow the path, taking some stairs down, then through a door. Continue on this linear path through a few more rooms until you reach the Energy Stabilization Unit.

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Energy Stabilization Unit

Just before leaving this room, on the left behind a support beam is a PDA (Grant Baston) (4/64) and Storage Locker 023 (Code 531). Continue through the door near here, then through the next door after that. Go straight and hang a left at the end of the path, then go through the door here. You will see a scientist - take a left where he is standing to go through another door. In here, turn your flashlight on using Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (10) and follow the stairs downward. To the next room. Take the stairs down and you will find a marine. Shoot him in the head then pick up his PDA (Mark Ryan) (5/64).

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Underground Garage

Look to the left to see an orange panel that says "CYCLE AIRLOCK". Interact with it and enter it.

Airlock/Mars Surface

Now here is where you will need to gain a bit of practice for later on. You will have to walk outside from one part of the building to the other end. Whenever your outside you will start to lose oxygen so you must get inside a building as quickly as possible. There are air tanks that will regenerate your oxygen as well if you need any.

Interact with a similar panel inside the airlock and then proceed outside. Just go straight and you will find the other airlock on your left. Go in the airlock and then open it to get back inside.

Old Comm Storage

Once back inside, go left up the stairs and call the lift. Then take the lift up to Communications, level 2.

Old Comm Engineering

Once the elevator opens, go left and follow the path until you get a cutscene. After which, all hell will break loose (literally).

Old Comm Main

The doctor will get possessed and a Zombie Soldier will come through the door behind you. Kill them with your pistol.

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Old Comm Engineering

Follow the path from where the soldier came. There will be one more zombie at the top of the steps. Then continue forward, take the elevator back down and go through the airlock.

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Mars Surface

Immediately upon getting outside, look to your left and there will be a red barrel (1/50). Make sure you shoot these barrels as you see them. You will need to blow up 50 of them for an achievement. Continue back across the bridge and into the airlock. Make a save here.

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Underground Garage

When you enter the room, turn on your flashlight (Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (11)), and in the right corner, there will be a zombie. Go up the stairs in here and go to the end of the platform to the next door. Wait for it to open and another zombie will come out. Kill it then continue through the door and jump up the broken steps on the left. At the top of the second set of stairs is a red barrel (2/50). Then go through the door up here.

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Energy Delivery

When you enter the next room, a zombie will try to climb up to the platform that you are on, right in front of you. Shoot him, then turn left. Look to your left and interact with the panel here, then wait for the bridge to form. When it does, cross it. Just before the door, a soldier will pop out.

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Energy Processing

In the next room, another zombie soldier will be in here. He will run behind the crate in the back to take cover. Once he is dead, take the staircase down on the left, and go to the back of the room. A zombie will reanimate. Kill it, then grab the PDA (Frank Delahue) (6/64) that is on the desk here. Turn around, go back up the stairs, and then through the door, by interacting with the panel to the left of it to unlock it.

Note: If you are following this walkthrough and not going for the collectibles for whatever reason, you must get this PDA, or else you cannot unlock the door.

In this next room, a dead body will fall to the ground. If you are quick, you can look up from where it fell and kill or at least hurt the zombie that knocked the body off. Continue down the hall, and a zombie will be to your right. Go through the door on the left.

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EP Aerobic Stabilizer

In here, be careful not to fall in the hole with the machinery, it will kill you. Go down the steps and on your right is some armor and the Shotgun. When you grab this stuff, the platform will drop and three zombies will start walking towards you. Use your Shotgun on them, explore the room for some ammo, then climb back up. I recommend saving the Shotgun ammo for the time being. Climb the ladder back up, then go through the door on the right after going up the stairs.

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EP Control Unit

Here are two red barrels (3 & 4/50). Climb the stairs and go forward, killing the lone zombie on the way. You will come to a staircase. To the left of this is a ladder, drop down here. A solider will run down the stairs. You can walk under the staircase so use that as cover and kill the soldier. Next, you can walk under the platform you were just walking on. Do so, and take a left. At the end, there is a medkit and some shells. Return to the ladder and climb up it. Behind the crate to your right is some more shells. Continue to the left from the ladder and at the end of the hall, you will be ambushed, on both sides, by some zombies. Before leaving this room, there are some bullets on some shelves to left, if you are facing the door. Next, take a right and go through the next door for a cutscene which introduces you to the Imp.

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Energy Processing

These are the enemies that you should use your Shotgun shells on. Kill the one that is in front of you, then turn around and follow the hallway. Go down the stairs and kill the zombie. Behind the big red machine are some shells. An Imp will also spawn from where you came from. Go through the door that's at the bottom of the stairs then follow the balcony around to the next door, and go down the steps in here.

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Energy Delivery

An Imp will pop out in the middle of this room. Look around the room for some ammo then continue forward. Continue through this room, minding the one zombie, near the door. If you wait in here a soldier will come out from the next room.

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Energy Processing

Just go around to the left here and through the door.

Energy Stabilization Unit

Go through the rounded hallway, and before you go through the door here, note that there is an Imp on the other side, waiting to pounce at you. There is also a soldier in here with a shotgun. If you did not use the health from the storage locker in this room earlier, go ahead and grab that if you need it. There will be a split in the path. Go left and look through the small shaft here. You will not be able to walk through it, but an Imp comes out of here. Wait for it to crawl towards you and blast it with the shotgun. Go back and then take the right path, and go through the door.

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Maintenance Area CS1

In this next room, when you go climbing the stairs, an Imp will burst through them. Kill it, then go up the stairs.

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Underground Junction

Right as you enter the next area, there is a red barrel (5/50). When you begin to go up the stairs here, a platform above you will break and a bunch of stuff will fall. An Imp will also jump down shortly after. When it is dead, climb the stairs. At the top of the first set of stairs, you will see a red barrel (6/50) across the gap. At the top of the stairs go around the platform, keeping the railing to your right, and enter the first door that you see. An Imp will be waiting for you, so kill it. A dead soldier will also get up, and kill that before it has a chance to shoot. Use the health station here, if need be. In this room is also a computer terminal. Interact with it to unlock the security checkpoint. Before leaving the room, on this same terminal interact with the part of the screen that says "MARS CITY SUBLEVEL ACCESS". In this menu click "MAINTENANCE", then click "STORAGE LOCKED" to unlock it. When that is done, leave the room. Run straight ahead immediately and kill the solider that is out here before it can shoot you.

This next part is not known if it is required for any collectible achievements, so we are going to do it just in case. Now, go back downstairs and go to the door that says "Energy Stabilization" but don't go through it. To the left is a railing where you will see a medkit. Jump over to the medkit and turn on your flashlight. You will see a black wire stretching across the gap. Walk onto that wire and use it like a tightrope to get across. Go into the door that is in here and pick up the armor shards and plasma cells. Also, use the health station if you still need health. Then take the tightrope back across.

Here is a video of a player showing you how they did it. Credit goes to M4thzz. Please note that they did this on the PC version of the game.

Once you are back across, go back upstairs and go through the only other door up here that you have not gone through yet (it is to the right of the door where the computer terminal was). In this next room, an Imp will drop down. After you kill it, call the elevator, and kill the soldier that pops out. Use the elevator to end the level.

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Level 3: Union Mars City (Revisit)

Current Collectible List:

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Note: You will not be able to get the "Bot Buddy" achievement during the part where you will meet the Sentry Bot as he is story related and doesn't get killed.


Right off the bat, kill the soldier down here, then climb the stairs on the left side of the room. You will hear someone tell you to come here, and drop down a ladder. Climb the ladder.

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Ventilation Shaft

Ignore him and turn around. There are some pipes you can duck underneath. Do so, and follow the path. Grab the armor in here if you need it, and then go right and drop down.

Manifest Control Office

There will be a couple of zombies here, so watch out. Immediately in front of you on a desk is PDA (Marcus Stanton) (7/64). Then leave this room through the only door here. Before you leave, there is some health on the crate just before the door.

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Manifest Control Entrance

Immediately on your right in the next room, two soldiers will come through. When you kill them, walk over their dead bodies to get the Machine Gun. In the next room, turn left and grab the keycard off of the desk and the health in here if you need it. Now backtrack and turn right in the previous room. Then walk up the steps and use your new keycard to open the door.

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Conference Control Room

There will be a couple of soldiers here. There will also be soldiers on the other side of the glass, but you cannot kill them from here so just ignore them. Go through the only other door. Turn on your flashlight and kill the zombies in here (remember to finish them off with your fist if you're gradually going for those 20 kills). Once they are dead, continue through the room to the next, then go through the next door.

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Sec Ops Processing

Hug the left wall in this room and go through the door on the left, watching out for the zombies along the way.

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Sec Ops Junction

Go down the hall and from the left side, from some fire, a zombie will hop out. Kill it then go through the door.

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Infirmary Access Junction

Kill the enemies in here, three soldiers, then the fat zombie. Then continue down the hall to the right and an Imp will jump from the ceiling and a second will come from the door on the right. Then go through the door on the left to get into the infirmary.

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When you enter the infirmary from here, on the counter in the middle is a PDA (Mark Caseon) (8/64). Then turn around and you will find Storage Locker 017 (Code 347). On the other side of the table is a health station if you need it. Then continue to the next room.

Infirmary Observation Room

Right as you enter a zombie will get up off the operating table and run at you. A soldier will then run in the room from the door on the left. Across from that door on the right side of the room is some health. Now go through the door that the soldier came from.

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Marine Command

Here you will be chased by another flaming zombie. I, take a left, and then a right. Crouch under the flames, then follow this to the end for a PDA (Bill Tyson) (9/64). Next backtrack and then make a left after crouching under the flame. There will be a zombie holding onto a soldier. Kill the zombie then go straight and make a left. You will be at the junction we were at near the beginning of the game. Make a left into Combat Preparation. Now open the locked door in here using the code 584. There will be clips, shells, and armor in here. Turn around and go straight and try to enter Marine HQ again, but this time the door will not open. You will get to have a short conversation with someone via video chat. You will also be given your new objective. Walk down the stairs Then go right around the corner, then take the first left. You will reach a locked door, which will now open.

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Marine Command Access

Here you will be attacked by two soldiers. Go down the stairs and then go through the door directly ahead of you. Kill the two soldiers here. Take a left and go through the door.

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Command Access Junction

At the other end of the room is the bathroom. Go in there for health and armor. Either way, go down the hall and from the bathroom go right (left if you are leaving the bathroom) and you will come to a room where a sentry bot will come out. From here, follow the sentry bot.

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ACO Access Junction/ACO Offices/ACO Lift Junction

As you follow it, make sure to keep the enemies off of it. Thankfully, the enemies' attention will be on it, and not you. When it lays down to rest at its destination look in the back right of this room for a crawlspace that you can crouch through.

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Service Access

Take the ladder in here up and follow the path to a new room.

ACO Lift Junction

On the left side of this room, near the railing is a PDA (Duncan Mathews) (10/64). Walk off the ledge here to get back to where the sentry bot laid down. Call the elevator and use it to end the level.

Level 4: Union UAC Administration

Current Collectible List:

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Leave the elevator and you will get a short cutscene. When you regain control of your character, the lights will go out.

Administration Lobby

To your left are some armor and health. A soldier will come down the stairs on the left. Make quick work of him and go through the door where he came from.

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Alpha Labs Hallway

In this next room around the first corner is an Imp, and then two soldiers behind it. There will also be a zombie that comes from the door that you first entered here. When they are dead, enter the first door you see, right around where the Imp was. Here is a health station, if you need it. Face the door, and over on the desk is a PDA (Alan Dorweiler) (11/64) and a Video Disc (Alpha Labs Introduction) (4/15). Turn around and you will find Storage Locker 013 (Code 586). Here you will also find the Grenades. There is a locked door here, but we cannot access it yet. Leave the room and hang a right to continue to the next room. When the door opens an Imp will jump through the door at you.

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Alpha Labs Processing

In this room, a red barrel (7/50) will fall. Destroy it. Watch out behind you, there will be an Imp on the other side of the window here. Shoot through it to kill it. Then destroy the other red barrel (8/50) in this room. Continue through this room and you will find a dying marine. Next to him is a security door. Interact with it, and you will be denied access, thus giving you the new objective. Now, we must backtrack to the beginning of the level. There will be an Imp in the Alpha Labs Hallway right as you enter the room, to your left in the corner.

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Administration Lobby

Now as you backtrack, there is an area where you can attempt to get an achievement. It's not very easy to do as timing and precision are required. When you return to the starting point of the level, 2 Imps will breakthrough on the right side giving you access to continue the level. Now what you want to do is line them up together and attempt to give them one big blast with the Shotgun that hopefully will kill them both at the same time. A recommendation is to weaken them with a different weapon and then finish them off with a final blow. If you are planning on getting this achievement straight away, I suggest you create a different save point so that you can try again if you fail.

This achievement can be attempted on all of the Doom 3 games, so you can always leave this achievement until later if it stresses you out. Here is a video guide showing how the player got the achievement on this level. Credit goes to R3LAPZE...

When you successfully pull that off, you will pop:

Double the Fun!

Kill 2 Imps with one shotgun blast in DOOM 3, RoE, or Lost Mission

Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (12)

2 guidesGuide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (13)Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (14)

Either way, when they are dead, go through the door that the two Imps busted open.

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Lower Hallway

Make a left and then a right and a panel from the ceiling will drop down. With it, an Imp. There will be a second one that drops down as well in this part of the hallway, but closer to where you came in. There is some health by where the first one dropped down. Go into the next room.

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Video Phone Conference Room

Around the left corner will be a solider. If you go straight there is some health and armor. Continue through the room and there will be another soldier that jumps out at you from around another left corner. Proceed through the door to the Data Library.

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Data Library

Look to the right of the room to find the only unlocked door. Go through it. There will be some armor and a terminal. Interact with it to override security. You will be given a cutscene that introduces Pinky. It will try to bust through the door and will fail. Stand right by the door, against the window. When it bursts through the window, slip out into the main room and kill it. I recommend the Machine Gun. When it is dead an Imp will spawn by the now-unlocked door. Go back into that security office if you need health or armor (unless you picked it up already). Go through the newly unlocked door.

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North Hallway

There will be a Pinky in here that comes at you from the end of the hall, along with a soldier. When you walk towards where the Pinky came from, an Imp will spawn behind you. There are some armor shards at the end of the hall. At the end of the hall, you can take a left or a right. Take the right. There is a PDA (Jonathan Moses) (12/64) on the desk. To the left is a Storage Locker (Code 0508). Inside this is the Chaingun. Turn around and go straight from here, down the path we didn't take before. A zombie may come out of a wall to your left, so watch out for that. Follow this path across the balcony and around a corner to the next area.

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Executive Office Access

Follow the path to a door. Right by the door is some armor, so take that if need be. Go through the door and follow this hall around the corner to the left. When you turn the corner, turn around to kill the Imp that comes out of the wall. You will come to a split path. Take the path on the right through the door and go through the next door after that.

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Executive Offices

Go around the left side of the room. In a small area, which is accessed through the first left are some armor and a soldier. Follow the room around to the left to find another room with some dead bodies and a pentagram on the ground. Pick up the PDA (William Banks) (13/64). This PDA is required for progression. An Imp will spawn on the pentagram in here, along with two others in the previous room. Kill those three, along with the zombie then leave this room and then go through the next door on the left for some ammo, health, and armor. Leave the way you came. Watch out for the Imp that spawns in the doorway.

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Executive Office Access

Go down the stairs, the path we didn't take before, and kill the zombie at the bottom. We are now backtracking back to the locked door from before. Take a right in the room after this to get to the Alpha Labs.

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Alpha Labs Hallway

There may be an Imp as you enter here from the Administration Lobby. One may spawn behind you as well. When you turn the corner, two soldiers will run at you. When they are dead take the first door on your right, where we found the storage locker and PDA before. In the back-right of the room, use the security terminal to unlock the door. Don't forget about the health station in here if you need it. Go through the door.

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Network Access

Follow the short path to another split path. There is some health on a shelf to your left if you need it. There is a ladder on your left and a door on your right. Take the door and grab the PDA (Paul Simons) (14/64) off the desk on the left in this room. Go back out and climb the ladder.

Processing Access

At the top of the ladder is a door. Go through it and then drop off the ledge to your left. Once you have dropped down, continue in the same direction you were going to reach the big locked door. Use the security terminal to open the door, then use the terminal inside to finish the level.

Level 5: Union Alpha Labs Sector 1

Current Collectible List:

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First things first, interact with the terminal on the right to open the airlock.

Alpha Labs Reception

Go forward and a zombie on the other side of the room will get up. Once he is dead, take a right and three more zombies will walk out. In the right part of this room is a security terminal on a desk. Interact with it to turn the lights on. If you turn around from the terminal there will be three big machines. Behind these machines is some armor, along with a health station. Continue through the only other door in here aside from the airlock (the door in question is to the right if you are facing the terminal).

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Atomic Stabilization Hub

There will be two soldiers in here, one in front of you as you enter and one to the right. There are some ammo shards over near the soldier on the right. Take the left to continue through the room and as you turn the corner there will be a zombie. As you go to enter the door at the end of this hall, an Imp will jump out at you.

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EPD Observation Platform

Once the Imp that jumped out at you is dead, two soldiers will come out of the door at the end of this hall, I recommend the Machine Gun here. Once they are dead, ignore the door they came from and jump through the window on your right.

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Once in here, enemies will begin spawning. Two Imps, one to your left and one to your right. Once they're gone, head up the stairs to find Storage Locker 009 (Code 752). Turn around and go through the door on your right. When you come in here a soldier and a zombie will pop out. On the desk on the right is a PDA (Kyle Berger) (15/64) and a Video Disc (Elemental Phase Deconstructor) (5/15). There is a health station in here as well.

Leave the room through the door opposite of the one you came in through. However, the door will not open. The room will turn red and a couple of Imps will spawn. When they are dead, go through the door we tried to just before, take a left and interact with the terminal. Now backtrack out of the office and down the stairs. There will be a soldier in the window, kill him. Over on the right side of the room is now an open door where the laser beam is shooting. You will need to get to the end of this hall, but be very careful not to touch the beam, it will kill you. Go to the end of this and crouch. You will see a panel. Just above it is a button. Push it to open the panel and walk through the opening.

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EPD Particle Filter

As you exit the vent, there will be a soldier and a couple of zombies to the left. Follow this path and take a right down the stairs. On the right is some armor. On the left is a door. Go through it.

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EPD Junction 2

Go right and follow the hallway around a corner, where an Imp will spawn. Kill it then take a left down the ramp where three zombies will spawn. At the bottom of the ramp, you will see a crate on the opposing wall. Behind that crate is a health item. From here you may take a left through the door, or a right down another hall. Take the right.

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EPD Particle Emulsifier

Here a group of zombies will spawn. Just be careful, if you back into EPD Junction 2 from here an Imp will spawn. So kill the zombies. If you need shotgun shells, go straight and turn left to find a headless zombie in a dead end. Otherwise take a right, up some stairs. At the top turn right again and you will find a terminal to fix a gas leak, along with a PDA (Jack Smith) (16/64) on the desk. There is also a medkit on the right side of the desk. Now, backtrack to EPD Junction 2 and go straight through the other door we didn't take before (watch out for the Imp that spawns on the left).

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EPD Particle Scrubber

Follow the hallway to the end, where a soldier will come out. When he is dead a wall on the left (relative to facing where the soldier was) will drop down and an Imp will come out. There will also be a soldier in this hidden room. There is some health here if you need it. On the edge of this balcony-like room is a red barrel (9/50). Go through the door that was opposite of the red barrel.

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EPD Containment Purge

A cutscene will trigger, introducing a new enemy: The Maggot. As you gain control of your character, the Maggot will be right at your feet, and there will be two of them. They are best killed using the Shotgun. Two more will come at you from the vents after the first two. There is a medkit by the door if you need it. Take a left in this room and drop down into the hole in the floor. Crouch and proceed through the path.

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Crawl Way 13

Follow the linear path. If you need armor or ammo, take the left at the end and jump up out of the crawlway into a very tiny room. Otherwise, take the first left.

Alpha Labs Junction 3

Jump out of the big hole in the ground. A couple of zombies will walk towards you, so kill them. Over in the back right is some armor and health. Take the left and go through the door.

Hydrocon Condensor

There are three red barrels (10-12/50), so shoot the one on the left to kill the soldier, then shoot the other two. Take a right down the hall, and a soldier will come at you from the door. Kill it then continue to the next room. The panels on the floor will fall so you will have to jump a few times on the way to this door.

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Hydrocon Oxygenator

Right when you enter this room three red barrels (13-15/50). Blow them up. Go to the end of the room and take the stairs up to the left. There is another red barrel (16/50). A maggot and a soldier will come out of the door. When they are dead, go through that door.

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Hydrocon Condensor

Go straight and then take the stairs up to the left. Behind a wall that drops down is an Imp. Take a left, up some stairs.

Hydrocon Junction 1

Walkthrough this room and you will briefly lose control of your character. When you regain control, two Imps will spawn. Kill them then continue through the room.

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Hydrocon Control

A zombie will spawn immediately to your left. On the disc right in front of you is a Video Disc (Hydrocon) (6/15). When you grab it a Maggot will come through the door to your left. Then go through that door.

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Hydrogen Siphon

Walk into this room and kill the headless zombie on the right. Then an Imp will spawn in a small area to the left. When the Imp is dead, walk into this small area and look to the right where a ladder will drop down. Climb up the ladder.

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Hydrocon Stabilization

Follow the path to the end and squeeze past the pipes. You will find a scientist. Kill him and pick up his PDA (George Kreitman) (17/64). To your right is a wall that keeps going up and down. Time your run through the path as the wall is going up (otherwise you will die from it crushing you). Once you are on the other side, pick up the PDA (Bernie Lipsitz) (18/64) near the open vent on the ground and the dead body. Walk past the vent into a dark corner for some armor and health. Then drop down the vent. Once you drop down, turn around and go through the door that we can now unlock by using the terminal.

Oxygen Siphon

On the right side of this room behind a machine is some health. Other than that, nothing is interesting in this room (but if you hang out in here too long the zombie and soldier from the next room will come in here).

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Hydrocon Lab

Two Maggots will spawn. Kill them then continue through Storage Area 8 (in which there is armor, and a health station) then make a right in Alpha Labs Main Junction. Continue through the linear path. Kill the Maggot that climbs out of the floor Hydrocon Junction 3.

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Alpha Labs Sector Junction

A bunch of Maggots will spawn. When they are dead call the elevator and use it to end the level.

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Level 6: Union Alpha Labs Sector 2

Current Collectible List:

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Level 2 Entrance

Leave the elevator and there will be some health in the corner. When you turn the corner a dead body will float out the room. Then some Imps will spawn. Kill them and then follow where the dead body floated away. In the Security Checkpoint Junction take a right through the door. Note: An Imp could spawn behind you as you run to the lavatory.

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There will be three zombies in here along with a Maggot. When they are dead, climb the ladder in the back right.

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Lavatory Ventilation Ducts

Turn around when you get to the top and crouch to begin walking through the ducts. If you need ammo or armor shards, then take the first opening which will take you to a small room. Just be careful as there is a Maggot in here. Continue moving along the vents, until you drop down.

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Engineering Security Checkpoint

When you drop down an Imp will be right next to you. Kill it. Go straight around the corner to the right and an Imp will climb out of the floor. Right by where it climbed out is a door. Go in here. There are two zombies in here. Kill them, then grab the PDA (Andrew Chin) (19/64) off of the desk. Leave this office and go through the door straight across from it. Go straight through Junction DO3/DO4.

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Vista DO4/DO5

You will need to be quick in here as there is no oxygen. Kill the Maggot and the Imp that are right by the door. Then run down the hallway and follow the linear path through the Coolant Junction (you can ignore the Imp that spawns in here).

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MFS Compressor

You will be in a short hallway. Go through the next door which will take you to the Coolant Compressor Junction and go through here to get to the main area of MFS Compressor. An Imp will spawn in here, along with a couple of soldiers coming from the previous section. When they are dead look to the right when facing away from the door that brought you into the main room. There will be a convey belt that is moving blue cylinders. Jump over this conveyer belt to find Storage Locker 038 (Code 409). Return the other part of the room, make a right and you will see a door. To the left is a crate. On top of it Video Disc (Molecular Fuel Storage Compactor) (7/15) along with a PDA (Walter Connors) (20/64) on the desk. Then go through the next door and then through Hatchway HO2/HO3.

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Storage and Engineering

Go through here to the back right and call the lift, then ride it down. At the bottom, an Imp and a Maggot will spawn. Just before leaving this room, there are some armor shards on the floor to the right of the door.

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Engineering and Coolant Control

Go forward and around the right. A scientist with a lantern will tell you to follow him. If you look to the left in his office you will find some Grenades. Then follow him. If you wish, you can run ahead, just basically keep left and hug the left the wall all the way. I will link a video below to show the exact path, but the video is dark due to the in-game lighting. Do your best to keep him alive. He will give you an audio cue (and he will also duck) whenever an enemy is spawning. You will eventually reach a ladder. Kill the enemies in here and then climb the ladder. Turn around at the top to find Storage Locker 039 (Code 102). Go through the door that you were facing when you go to the top of the ladder.

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Coolant Flow Control

Go straight, jump over the pips and go to the right and crouch under the pipes. This will put you in Coolant Access Shaft 5, follow it to the end.

Lower MFS Control

Some ticks will spawn when you get in here, so kill them, then interact with the terminal. When you do this, climb the ladder when you can. You will get swarmed by Ticks so kill them as you wait. At the top of the ladder, a few will come through the cracked open door. Take a left and open the door here, and then interact with the panel to finish the level.

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Level 7: Union Alpha Labs Sector 3

Current Collectible List:

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AL2 Main Engineering Junction

Exit the airlock and kill the Imp. Head forward and go right at the corner. Two soldiers will come from the next corner. Make sure to blow up the red barrel (17/50) here. Go around the corner and kill the Imp on the stairs. Go up the stairs and take a left. There will be some armor near the crate. There will be a soldier, Maggot, and some Ticks. Once they are dead, turn around and take the right path. Go through the first door to your right into the Hazard Waste Disposal.

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Hazard Waste Disposal

Right on the desk is a PDA (Mark Lamia) (21/64). Now we need to get rid of some of these barrels. We will need to use the crane controls here. You will need to move the crane using the cardinal directions and lower it with the up/down buttons to the left of those. Then you think you have it lined up with a barrel click the "CLOSE" button, then the "TRANSFER ITEM TO INCINERATOR" button. When are lined up with a barrel the screen to the right of the controllers will turn red and say "LOCK". Thankfully you only need 2 of these barrels, specifically the ones that have the green fumes. You can tell when you've done enough because you will get a new objective. Leave this room.

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AL2 Main Engineering Junction

To your left will be a soldier. To the right are some Ticks and a Maggot. When they are dead head around to the right. Use the health station on your way out of this room if need be. Destroy the rest of red barrels (17 & 18/50) in the next room then proceed through.

Note: If you are on Nightmare or not going for collectibles, when you enter into Hazardous Waste Disposal you will pick up the keycard just before the next room you need to proceed, so instead of going forward into Hazardous Materials Lift turn back around and skip that section of the walkthrough (just the next section).

Hazardous Materials Lift

Destroy the red barrels (19-22/50) in here. Don't miss the one in the corner immediately to your left. Here is also a Storage Locker 047 (Code 123) and on the ground next to it is a PDA (George Poota) (22/64). Turn around and use the terminal to raise the lift. Two soldiers will be on here, so shoot the red barrel (23/50) to make quick work of them. In this room, you should have gotten a keycard. Time to backtrack to AL2 Main Engineering Junction by turning around going through the previous two doors.

AL2 Main Engineering Junction

Right, when you get in this room there will be a soldier and two more to your left. Go around the corner to the left and take the next right before the stairs and go to the end of the hall. Go through the door at the end of the hall after unlocking it with the terminal.

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Coolant Monitoring

At the end of this hall on the left will be a soldier. Head down it and on the right side of this room, an Imp will spawn. On the left side, some Ticks will come from the ceiling and wall. When they are dead go open Storage Locker 048 (Code 123). Next, go up the stairs and into the next area. A Maggot will run out to attack you as you approach the door.

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Boiler Room

In this room, an Imp will be in the back left, along with a soldier and a couple of Ticks. Another soldier will come from the next door. In the back left is some ammo on a crate. Go through the other door in here, where the soldier came from.

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Boiler Room Monitoring

There will be two zombies in here waiting for you. The path for the level requires we go right, but we will go left instead. Go down the dark hallway to another room. In the center is an ammo belt. If you need a significant amount of ammo, armor, or health, grab the armor in front of you. You will get locked in. Turn around 180 degrees and wait for the door to open. When it does, shoot the Imp waiting for you along with the two zombies at the end of the hall. On the right of the hall will be a new opening with health inside. There will be a few of these openings down the rest of the hallway, along with another Imp and zombie.

If you don't need the items, no need to pick up the armor. Return to the beginning of this area. This next part is optional, so if you do not want to get the Plasmagun early for whatever reason, skip to the next paragraph. Look to your right and you will see a small computer terminal. Look at it and use it to open ventilation access terminal 3. Go in the previous room and make an immediate left. Jump on the crate and crouch into the vent. Follow it to the end. You will come to two closed vents, one ahead of you and one on your right. Go to the one on your right and you will push it down. You will then be in the Coolant Monitoring room. Follow the pipes to the left. If you follow these to the end you will find some armor shards. If you look to the right there is a group of red pipes. Jump to these, then jump to the blue pipes past them. Then go up the incline formed by the pipes you are on and will find the Plasmagun. Follow the pipes and vent back to where you originally were.

After you are back in the room, go to the right through the door.

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Storage and Enpro Facility Access

Go to the left and kill the zombie, along with the three Ticks that attack you then take the lift down. When the lift gets near the bottom it will break and you can jump down to the floor. An Imp will spawn near the door, along with three other Maggots around the room. On the right side of this room behind a crate is armor, and some health in the back of the room, to the left of the door. Go through the door.

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Heavy Water Runoff

Two Pinkies will spawn in here on the left and right of the level. As usual, use your Machine Gun. After that, an Imp will spawn in the back-left of the room. Eventually, the glass next to the other door in here will break. Jump through it.

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EFR Staging Room 1B

Turn right to find Storage Locker 049 (Code 123). Then go up the stairs, open the door, and then interact with the terminal inside for the next level.

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Level 8: Union Alpha Labs Sector 4

Current Collectible List:

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Reactor Read Room

Exit the airlock and go to the left to the door. Use the health station if need be.

Reactor Control Room

Make a save here. Go over to the left and you will see a terminal. Activate the terminal to kill the guy below. When he dies you will unlock:

To Be or Not to Be

Kill the scientist trapped next to the Reactor Control Room in DOOM 3

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Now, since we need him alive, reload the save, and instead open the chamber. Once this is done, continue through the room to your right, and through the door.

Note: If you don't need collectibles then do whatever you wish. Kill him if you are doing the speedrun.

Reactor Room Lift

Take the lift and take a left up some stairs and follow the scientist you saved into the next room.

Reactor Sub Station

In the back left of the room on a desk is a Video Disc (Mach-2 Chain Gun Briefing) (8/15) and a PDA (Michael Abrams) (23/64). Then turn around kill Larry the scientist and pick up his PDA (Larry Kaczynski) (24/64). Make sure you have all three things in this room before leaving, because Larry will lock it behind you. Leave this room and take a right. Follow the linear path until you get to Reactor Junction 2. When you go to the open the door in here an Imp will jump at you.

Reactor Processing

Some Ticks will spawn in here along with a soldier. Go up the stairs and follow the path. Two soldiers will come out of a door, along with one popping up behind you. When they are dead, take the door on the right and then through the next door.

Note: On Nightmare, as you enter this room there will be an Imp ready to pounce at you behind the door.

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EFR Staging

On your right here is a terminal. On the desk is a PDA (Henry Nelson) (25/64). Now in this room, Sergeant Kelly will give you some information about the choices you can make to progress in this area. You have 2 options on the computer to make. The first one "Activate EFR System" will give you large platforms that require you to sprint (Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (19)) and jump (Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (20)) at the same time to get across. The second one "Extend Service Bridge" will give you bridges for you to cross, but will spawn a large number of enemies for you to deal with. Unfortunately, this route with enemies is required for a collectible. If you are skipping out on the collectibles, expand the spoiler below and follow those instructions (this is useful on the Nightmare run).

Extend the service bridge. Immediately face the door you came in through and when two soldiers come through, blast them with your Shotgun. When they are dead cross the bridge. When you do, a wall will open up on your left and two Imps will spawn, along with some Ticks to your right. Turn right and cross all the way to do the door on the other side of the room. Kill the soldier that runs at you as you enter the door. Take a left through EFR Junction 1.

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EFR Storage PT 3

There will be a few soldiers in here, along with a few Ticks that come at you from behind. If you are struggling here feel free to use some grenades. Go through the door at the other end of this path and cross over EFR Main Conveyer into the next area.

EFR Substation 2

Grab the armor here and an Imp will come from a wall that drops down. A Tick and Maggot will also come from the door you came from. Look in the area that the Imp came from and climb the ladder.

EFR Main Conveyer

Follow the path. After the second corner, a Maggot will spawn. When you continue forward a Tick will come at you and a second Maggot will spawn in the same spot. Continue on this path until you come to a ledge, and an Imp will pop out from the right around the corner. There will also be two Ticks following you. Then drop down the ladder that is around the corner.

EFR Remote Access Junction

When you drop off the ladder you can see the door you will need to go through (it will cross EFR Main Conveyor again). If you go to the wall opposite of the area with the ladder, it will open up. Follow this up to a room. Do NOT open pick up the weapon here yet. If you already picked up the Plasma Gun before, then you will want to avoid going near it because several Imps spawn in this room. However, feel free to pick up the ammo and health in the four corners of the room. If you missed the weapon before, you will want to pick it up now, as it is a tremendous help for the boss fight coming up. If you do pick it up, hide in the corners and sides of the rooms to take cover from the Imps. Let them come to you and take them out with your Shotgun. Once you are done here, whether or not you pick up the weapon, go back outside. Then cross the bridge and go through the door.

EFR Master Valve

Kill the Maggot and Tick that attack you as you approach the ladder. Turn around and face the way you came to find a health station. Go up the ladder. At the top, there will be a soldier waiting on the other side of the door, so kill him. Then look to the right of the door to find Storage Locker 064 (Code 651). Then go through the door and go across the bridge to the next door.

EFR Junction 5

Go down the stairs in here to the bottom floor and a bunch of Ticks will spawn. Just try to keep your distance and unload on them, or throw a grenade if you feel you can get far enough away from them. If you look behind the staircase there will be health and armor. When they are all dead, go through the door down here. You will now be in EFT Main Conveyer again and across the bridge where a few soldiers will come out. Blow up the red barrels (24 & 25/50) to damage them then finish them off with the Machine Gun. Cross the bridge.

EFR Junction 6-9

Go forward and take a left, shoot the two red barrels (26 & 27/50). If the barrels didn't kill the soldier that came from the wall, then finish him off. Go down this hall and hang a left and behind the crate in here is one more red barrel (28/50). Turn around and go back to the bridge, but take a left at the bridge and follow this linear path. In EFR Junction 7 there will be a solider around the corner at the top of the stairs. In EFR Junction 9 when you turn the first corner there will be an Imp waiting for you. Just before the end of this room, there is a health station to your left at the bottom of the stairs. Go through this last door for a cutscene introducing the Vagary.

EFR Remote Access Junction

Activate the EFR system and sprint and jump across the two gaps. Look right and you will see a spinning bridge. Wait for it to line up with your platform and jump onto it. Go to the center platform and lit rotate until it is lined up with the only unlocked door (the one with the green lights). Once in here activate the terminal to start EFR processing. Some Maggots will spawn. Kill them. If you need some armor or ammo it is in the corner near the pipes. Now leave this room and take the spinning bridge over to the other door and go through it.

EFR Junction 1

Wait for a platform in front of you to move towards you, then walk on it. Watch out for the soldier to your left while you are waiting. Ride this platform to the end, watching out for the machinery that doing work around you. If you need some armor, there is an opening on the left that you can jump to get some. If you do this you will have to wait for another platform. When the platform gets to the end of the first section and begins to go around the corner you will have to duck under the spinning glass tube. The platform will then take you to a door that you should go through.

EFR Magnetic Discharge Station

Immediately to your left, an Imp will spawn along with a Tick. Go down the steps and interact with the terminal. Go back up the stairs and take a left. There will now be a platform and moving machinery you will have to avoid. Get to the other side of the room using these platforms. There is also a health station on this side. When you are ready go through the door over here.

EFR Main Conveyer

Wait for another moving platform, then hop on it. Look in the direction it is going, and when it rises, there will be three red barrels (24-26/50) along with some soldiers. Watch out for the machinery here, they come in at angles, so you can easily get caught on them and fall off. Blowing up these barrels should kill the soldiers, or at least severely damage them. When the moving platform gets to where the soldiers and barrels were, hop-off into that area.

EFR Junction 6-9

Follow the hallway to the next room, and there will be two soldiers, one in the room, and one that spawns behind you. There will be one additional soldier that comes into this room from the direction you are going. There are also two more red barrels (27 & 28/50). Follow the linear path from here, watching out for enemies along the way. You will eventually get a cutscene, introducing the Vagary.

EFR Main Shipping Hub

This is the mother's home to all the little spider enemies you have encountered so far throughout the game. She is a half spider, half cursed demon. She will use telekinesis power that allows her to lift and throw large objects at you and her spider-legs should you get too close. The recommendation is to sprint when she is about to launch the projectile at you and spray away with all the firepower you've got. Killing her will also give you access to the next room for you to exit and the achievement:

Sticky Situation

Defeat the Vagary boss in DOOM 3

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Head to the next page for the next batch of levels.

4. Doom 3 - Page 22. General hints and tips

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Guide for DOOM 3: BFG Edition (2025)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 5895

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.