Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (2025)

Tell the internet where to deliver your company's email messages

This article is for people who manage Google services or devices for a company, school, or group. If you're using a personal ( account, go instead to the Google Account Help Center.

Why do I need to do this?

For your company to use Gmail withGoogle Workspace, you need to direct people's incoming messages to Google's mail servers. You do this by changing your domain'sMX recordsat yourdomain registrar.

Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (3)

ChangeMX recordsat your domain registrar to directyourcompany's emails toGmail. Explainthismore

Before you begin

Make sure now is a good time to make this change.It can take time forthe rest of the internet to learn about your new MX records. You might keep receiving mail with your old email providerduring this time.

To complete this task, open two separate tabs in your web browser, like this:

Tab 1: Sign in to your domain registrar

You update your domain settings at your domain registrar's website, not at Google. To get started, make sure you have the account ID and password needed to sign in to your domain registrar.

Google can't sign in to your domain registrar—only a domain's owner can do that. Contact your registrar if you need help accessing this account.

Who is my domain registrar?

Usually your domain registrar is:

  • The company where you boughtyour domain.
  • The company that hosts your website.

Help me identify my registrar

Tip: The setup tool in the next step might also be able to identify your domain registrar.

Tab2: Open theGoogle Workspace setup tool

You get instructions and complete this task using thesetup tool.You also use the tool to add any remaining email accounts—every existing address in your company must be associated with aGoogle Workspaceaccount.You must use the setup tool to complete this task.

If you don't already have the setup tool open in another tab, click below to open it.

Open the setup tool

To continue, follow the instructions in the setup tool and return to this page only if you need more information.

    I'm stuck and need help

    I get an error when I clickthe blue button

    The setup tool is forGoogle Workspaceand Cloud Identity administrators only. It doesn't work with any other Google product.

    Make sure you're signing in with anadmin account.

    It says Gmail is activated for my domain

    Your MX records are already set up.

    If you're reading this article because your company ishaving trouble receiving email:

    • Check these troubleshooting steps.
    • Review some additional problemsthat can interrupt email delivery.

    My email address ends in

    Oh no! You've ended up in the wrong place. Click here for help with issues.

    What you'll do at the setup tool

    Explaining how to change MX records is challenging because the steps are slightly different for each domain registrar. We recommend that you follow steps at the setup tool, orfind steps for your domain registrar. But to preview generic steps now, click below.

    Activate Gmail (generic steps)

    Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (4)

    Find your DNS records

    Before you begin:we have custom instructions for many popular domain registrars. Look for yours here.

    In a new tab, sign into your domain registrar with the account and password you used to buy your domain or to manage your website.
    Go to the section where you can update your domain's MX records. This section should have one of the following labels:
    • DNS settingsorDNS management
    • Mail settings
    • Advanced settings

    Important: If you have trouble finding MX records, contact your domain registrar for help.

    Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (5)

    Set up the MX records for Google Workspace

    Review your existing DNS records and delete any non-Google MX records you see.

    Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (6)

    Create a new record.

    Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (7)

    Fill in the fields for thew new MX record.

    Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (8)

    • ChooseMXfor the type of record.
    • Look for a field labeledName,Host, orAlias. Enter@. (If@causes an error leave this field blank).
    • Copy the MX record from the setup tool. Paste it into the field labeledValue, Answer, Destination, or Server.
    • Enter1 hourin the TTL field, or you can leave the default value.
    • Enter1in the priority field.

    Note:if your registrar rejects a Google MX record, try adding a period after the.COM.

    Add MX records for a subdomain (existing customers only)

    If you're adding a subdomain to an existingGoogle Workspaceaccount, enterthesubdomain in your registrar'sName/Host/Aliasfield.

    For example, if your new subdomain is, you would addsupportto theName/Host/Aliasfield. Don't enter@in this field.

    Continue using the setup tool to add any other MX records required for your domain.

    Where do I copy the Google MX records?

    You should have the setup tool open in another tab. You can reopen the tool if you closed it.

    Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (9)

    Tell Google Workspace to activate Gmail


    Return to the browser tab where you have theGoogle Workspacesetup tool open. (You can reopen the tool if you closed it.)


    Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Activate Gmail.

    Important:Some registrars may require additional time to publish your MX records. If theGoogle Workspacesetup tool can't find your newrecords, wait an hour before you try again.

    If you need additional help with your DNS settings, contact your registrar. They are experts in managing your domain and are eager to help you.

    You might have to wait and try again

    Some registrars take longer than others to let the world know that you have a new email provider:

    • If Google Workspace can't find your new MX records, come backin a couple of hours and click the Activatebutton again.
    • After you activate Gmail, updates can take up to 48 hours. Until the rest of the internet notices your new MX records,you'llstill get email messages inyour old email client.

    Still need help?

    After 72 hours, if you still need help or if you can't access your domain's DNS settings:

    • Contact your domain host directly for assistance.
    • Go to Troubleshoot MX records to troubleshoot the issue yourself.

    After you activate Gmail

    Start using Gmail

    1. Sign in to with your Google Workspace user name and password.
    2. In the top right corner, click the AppLauncherActivate Gmail for Google Workspace (10)Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (11)MailActivate Gmail for Google Workspace (12).

    Set up more Gmail security

    To help prevent spam and other security risks, we strongly recommend you enable email authentication and security methods for Gmail.

    For detailed steps, go to Help prevent spoofing, phishing, and spam.

    Google, Google Workspace, and related marks and logos are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names are trademarks of the companieswith which they are associated.

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    Professional email, online storage, shared calendars, video meetings and more. Start your free Google Workspace trial today.

    Activate Gmail for Google Workspace (2025)
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    Author: Arline Emard IV

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5837

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

    Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Arline Emard IV

    Birthday: 1996-07-10

    Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

    Phone: +13454700762376

    Job: Administration Technician

    Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

    Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.